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Utah Notary Seals and Embossers

Notaries must use “a sharp, legible, and photographically reproducible ink impression”. It must be “a rectangular border no larger than one inch by two and one-half inches surrounding the required words and seal”. “Each notary stamp obtained on or after July 1, 2003 must use purple ink.” “An embossed seal impression that is not photographically reproducible may be used in addition to, but not in place of, the photographically reproducible seal required in this section.” Source: UCA 46-1-16[2][c]
  • Utah Notary Pocket Seal

    Utah pocket seal with official layout.

    Compact size and high leverage give you crisp, clean impressions. more…
      $ 39.95

    Utah Notary Pocket Seal

    Utah pocket seal with official layout.

    Compact size and high leverage give you crisp, clean impressions. more…
    Product Imprint Image
    $ 39.95
  • Utah Notary Desk Seal

    Utah desk seal with official layout.

    Compact size and high leverage give you crisp, clean impressions. more…
      $ 52.95

    Utah Notary Desk Seal

    Utah desk seal with official layout.

    Compact size and high leverage give you crisp, clean impressions. more…
    Product Imprint Image
    $ 52.95