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Notary Embossers and Seals with Approved Layouts

Approved notary embosser layouts for US States including the following:
Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming
  • Alabama Notary Seals and Embossers

    For the authentication of his official acts, each such notary must provide a seal of office which must present, by its impression, his name, office, and the state for which he was appointed. The seal shall include: name of the notary; the words “Notary Public”; and the word or phrase “Alabama” or “State of Alabama”. Source: Ala. Code § 36-20-72
  • Alaska Notary Seals and Embossers

    “...a sharp, legible, photographically reproducible impression or depiction of a notary public’s official seal shall be affixed...” (AS 44.50.065[a]). “An embossed seal impression that is not photo-graphically reproducible may be used in addition to, but not in place of, the seal impression or depiction required by [a] of this section.” Source: Alaska Stat. § 44.50.064
  • Arizona Notary Seals and Embossers

    Notaries public shall provide and keep the official seal that is a rectangular rubber stamp. The notary’s official stamp seal must imprint the following: name of notary as it appears on commission, “Notary Public”; name of county in which commissioned; Great Seal of the State of Arizona; and expiration date of commission. A notary may possess and use an embossing seal but only in conjunction with the notary public’s official seal. Source: ARS 41-321[B]
  • Arkansas Notary Seals and Embossers

    The notary public shall provide a seal of his or her office, which shall be either a rubber stamp seal or a seal embosser. The seal shall be clear and legible and capable of photographic reproduction. Source: Ark. Code Ann. § 21-14-107(b)-(c)
  • Connecticut Notary Seals and Embossers

    Even though the use of a seal is optional, state law does prescribe the format of the seal to be used. The notary seal must include the notary’s name, the words “Notary Public” and “Connecticut”. State law does give the notary the option of having the words “My Commission Expires” appear on the seal. Source: NPM 4.13
  • Delaware Notary Seals and Embossers

    Each notary public shall provide, keep, and use a seal that is either an engraved embossed seal or a black-inked rubber stamp seal to be used on the paper document being notarized. The seal shall contain: name of notary exactly as commissioned; and the phrases “Notary Public” “State of Delaware” and “My commission expires on [date].” Source: Del. Code Ann. § 4310
  • District of Columbia Notary Seals and Embossers

    Approved Notary layout for the District of Columbia.
  • Florida Notary Seals and Embossers

    An impression-type seal may be used in addition to the rubber stamp seal, but the rubber stamp seal shall be the official seal for use on a paper document, and the impression-type seal may not be substituted therefor. Source: Fla. Stat. § 117.05[3][a]
  • Georgia Notary Seals and Embossers

    For the authentication of his notarial acts each notary public must provide a seal of office, which shall have for its impression his name; the words “Notary Public”; the name of the state; and the county of his residence. The embossment of notarial certificates by the notary’s seal shall be authorized but not necessary, and the use of a rubber or other type stamp shall be sufficient for imprinting the notary’s seal. Source: Ga. Code Ann. § 45-17-6
  • Hawaii Notary Seals, and Embossers

    Every notary public shall consistently keep an engraved seal of office or a rubber stamp seal “but not both” which shall clearly show, when embossed, stamped or impressed upon a document, the notary’s name, the notary’s commission number, and the words, “notary public” and “State of Hawaii”. The notary’s seal or stamp must be circular, not over 2 inches in diameter, with “a serrated or milled edge border”. Source: HAW. Rev. Stat. 456-3 and HAR 5-11-5[c]
  • Idaho Notary Seals and Embossers

    Each notary public whose current commission became effective on or after July 1, 1998 shall provide and keep an official seal which shall be a rubber stamp with a serrated or milled edge border in a rectangular or circular form, which includes the words “Notary Public”, the notary public’s name, the words “State of Idaho” and nothing more. Source: Idaho Code Ann. § 51-106
  • Indiana Notary Seals and Embossers

    “The notary public’s seal shall either be an embosser or a rubber stamp. The notary public’s seal must contain the words “Notary Public”, “State of Indiana” and “Seal”. If an embosser is used, the impression must be inked or blackened so that it may be photocopied.” Source: Ind. Code § 33-42-2-4
  • Iowa Notary Seals and Embossers

    “The official stamp of a notary public must...(b)e capable of being copied together with the record to which it is affixed or attached or with which it is logically associated” (IC 9B.17[1][b]. “Official stamp means a physical image affixed to or embossed on a tangible record or an electronic image attached to or logically associated with an electronic record.” Source: IC 9B2[8]
  • Kansas Notary Seals and Embossers

    “The seal of every notary public shall be either a seal press and the impression there of inked or blackened or a rubber stamp to be used with permanent ink so that any such seal may be legibly reproduced by photographic process.” Source: KSA 53-105
  • Kentucky Notary Seals and Embossers

    “...If a notary wishes to obtain a seal of office, it should contain name and notary public title such as ‘Notary Public—State at Large’ or ‘Notary Public—Special Commission’”. Source: Kentucky Notary Public Handbook
  • Louisiana Notary Seals and Embossers

    A Louisiana notary’s signature is his or her seal. Many notaries use a stamp or seal to print their name as it appears on his or her commission. Source: RS 35:12[A][2]
  • Maine Notary Seals and Embossers

    A notary public may keep a seal of office, engraved with the notary public’s name exactly as it appears on the notary public’s commission, the words “Notary Public” and the word “Maine” or “Me”. The law does not specify shape but a circular seal is traditional and widely seen. Source: Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 4 § 951
  • Maryland Notary Seals and Embossers

    “The seal must be either an embosser which makes a raised impression in the paper or a rubber stamp which makes an ink impression upon the paper. Both are in general use throughout the state.” Source: Handbook for Maryland Notaries Public
  • Massachusetts Notary Seals and Embossers

    “A Notary public shall obtain a new seal or stamp if the notary public renews his or her commission, receives a new commission, or changes his or her name. The notarial seal or stamp shall include: the notary public’s name... the words ”notary public”, “Commonwealth of Massachusetts” or Massachusetts”, and “My commission expires”...and a facsimile of the great seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Each new notarial seal that uses ink, shall use black ink.” Source: Massachusetts Executive Order # 455 (04-04)
  • Michigan Notary Seals and Embossers

    “A notary public may use a stamp, seal, or electronic process that contains all of the information required by MCL 55.287[2]. An embosser alone or any other method that cannot be reproduced shall not be used. However, documents sent out of state may require an embossed notary seal.” Source: MCL 55.287[3]
  • Mississippi Notary Seals and Embossers

    “Near the notary’s official signature on the notarial certificate of a paper document, the notary shall affix a sharp, legible, permanent, and photographically reproducible image of the official seal”. “...a border in a circular shape with a diameter no less than one and one-half inches and no larger than two and one-half inches, surrounding the required words. An embossed seal impression that is not photographically reproducible may be used in addition to but not in lieu of the stamp...” Source: 1-14 Miss. Code R. § 403.02 [1]
  • Missouri Notary Seals and Embossers

    “Each notary public shall provide, keep, and use a seal which is either a photographically reproducible engraved embosser or a black inked rubber stamp to be used on the document being notarized.” To be legally recognized, the official seal must contain: The notary’s name, the assigned commission number, “Notary Seal”, “Notary Public”, State of Missouri”, their expiration date and the county for which they are commissioned. Source: RSMo 486.285[1]
  • Nebraska Notary Seals and Embossers

    “Each notary public, before performing any duties of his or her office, shall provide himself or herself with an official ink stamp seal on which shall appear the words “State of Nebraska”, “General Notary”, his or her named as commissioned and the date of expiration of his or her commission. Source: RSN 64-210
  • Nevada Notary Seals and Embossers

    The seal must be “imprinted in indelible, photographically reproducible ink with a rubber or other mechanical stamp... As used in this section, ‘mechanical stamp’ includes an imprint made by a computer or other similar technology.” Source: NRS 240.040[1][a] and [5]
  • New Hampshire Notary Seals and Embossers

    All of a notary public’s certifications must either be under an official seal or carry the legible imprint of an official rubber stamp. An official seal must have the following information printed on it: the notary’s name; and the words “Notary Public” and “New Hampshire”. If the notary uses an embosser, he or she must also have a separate rubber stamp that has the expiration date of the notary public’s commission on it. Source: (RSA 455:3)
  • New Jersey Notary Seals and Embossers

    The New Jersey Notary Public Manual requires notaries “to sign, date, and stamp” their notarial certificates. “The ink stamp should include the date on which the notary’s commission expires. The stamp should be placed next to but not over the notary’s signature.” If a notary elects to use an inking notary seal, this seal could serve as both the means to affix the notary’s commission expiration date, as required by the New Jersey Notary Public Manual and the means to affix the notary’s name as required by statute. Source: N.J. Stat. Ann. § 41:1-7
  • New Mexico Notary Seals and Embossers

    “Order a seal or rubber stamp...An embosser is made of heavy metal and makes an impression on the paper. It contains the applicant’s name, and the words ‘Notary Public-State of New Mexico’. Rubber stamps cannot have a signature line and a round rubber stamp is not acceptable.” Source: New Mexico Notary Handbook
  • New York Notary Seals and Embossers

    In exercising his powers pursuant to this article, a notary public, in addition to the venue of his act and his signature, shall print, typewrite, or stamp beneath his signature in black ink: the notary’s name; “Notary Public State of New York” or if applicable and preferred, “Attorney and Counselor at Law State of New York”; name of county where notary originally qualified for commission; and the notary’s commission expiration date. Source: N.Y. Exec. § 137
  • North Carolina Notary Seals and Embossers

    A notary shall affix the notary’s official seal near the notary’s official signature. The seal may be either circular or rectangular in shape and must include the following: the notary’s name exactly as commissioned; the words “Notary Public”; the county of commission including the word “County” or “Co.”; and the words “North Carolina” or the abbreviation “N.C.”. Commission expiration date is permissible but not required. Source: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 10B-37
  • Ohio Notary Seal and Embosser

    “The seal shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one inch in diameter and shall be surrounded by the words “notary public”, “notarial seal”, or words to that effect, the name of the notary public, the words “State of Ohio” and the commission expiration date. Source: ORC 147.04
  • Oklahoma Notary Seals and Embossers

    “The official seal may be either a metal seal which leaves an embossed impression or a rubber stamp used in conjunction with a stamp pad and ink”. Notary seals should contain the following elements: Notary’s name, the words “State of Oklahoma”, “Notary Public”, the expiration date and commission number. Source: 49 OS and OAC 655:25-5-2[b]
  • Oregon Notary Seals and Embossers

    Per Oregon regulations, your order cannot be processed until the Certificate of Authorization is received. “The official seal of a notary public shall be a stamp made of rubber or some other substance capable of making a legible imprint on paper in black ink. The imprint must legibly reproduce under photographic methods.” “A notary public may use an embosser in the performance of a notarial act but only in addition to the notary public’s official stamp.” Source: ORS 194.031[1] and OAR 160-100-0110[7] and OAR 160-110-0130[1]
  • Pennsylvania Notary Seals and Embossers

    The seal shall be a rubber stamp and shall show clearly in the following order: The words “Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Notary Seal"; The name of the notary public as it appears on the commission and the words “Notary Public.”; The name of the county in which the notary public maintains an office; and the date the notary public’s current commission expires; The seven-digit commission identification number assigned by the Department. An embossed seal impression may be used in addition to but not in lieu of the stamp seal. Source: SUBCHAPTER C. OFFICIAL STAMP AND STAMPING DEVICE - Act No. 317 of 16-61 Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULONA), effective February 14, 2023 §167.21

    All notary stamps and seals are made to the requirements of the State of Pennsylvania. Please email a copy of your current commission certificate along with your order number
  • Rhode Island Notary Seals and Embossers

    The seal should produce a sharp, legible, embossed or printed image that legibly reproduces under photographic methods. The seal should include the following elements: your name exactly as it appears on your commission; and the phrases “Notary Public” and “Rhode Island”. No seal manufacturer has permission from the Secretary of State to reproduce the State Seal of the State of Rhode Island as an element of the notary public seal. Source: Rhode Island Notary Req
  • South Carolina Notary Seals and Embossers

    A notarial embosser or rubber ink stamp can be used. If using a rubber stamp, it may be in a circular or rectangular format. The seal or stamp should have the notary’s name, title, and state. The expiration date may be included but is optional. Source: S.C. Notary Manual
  • South Dakota Notary Seals and Embossers

    “The embossing seal or a rubber stamp is required as a notarial requirement. If a rubber stamp is used the word ‘Seal’ must be included on the stamp” (website, ‘Getting a Notary Seal’). A border must surround the imprint of the seal. Source: SDCL 18-1-3.1
  • Texas Notary Seals and Embossers

    “The seal must be affixed by a seal press or stamp that embosses or prints a seal that legibly reproduces the required elements of the seal under photographic methods. An indelible ink pad must be used for affixing by a stamp the impression of a seal...” The seal may be a circular... or of a rectangular seal...and must have a serrated or milled edge boarder and the words “Notary Public, State of Texas” must appear around the five-pointed star. The Notary public's name, the notary public's identifying number, and the date the notary public's commission expires must appear on the seal. The notary public shall authenticate all official acts with the seal of office. ” Source: GC 406.013
  • Utah Notary Seals and Embossers

    Notaries must use “a sharp, legible, and photographically reproducible ink impression”. It must be “a rectangular border no larger than one inch by two and one-half inches surrounding the required words and seal”. “Each notary stamp obtained on or after July 1, 2003 must use purple ink.” “An embossed seal impression that is not photographically reproducible may be used in addition to, but not in place of, the photographically reproducible seal required in this section.” Source: UCA 46-1-16[2][c]
  • Vermont Notary Seals and Embossers

    Many notaries have chosen to acquire a stamp or embosser to notarize documents although no seal is required (For documents leaving the state you may need a seal). A circular embosser is the type of notary seal most often seen, though inked stamps are not prohibited. Source: Short Guide for Vermont Notaries Public
  • Virginia Notary Seals and Embossers

    Near the notary’s official signature on the notarial certificate of a paper document, the notary shall affix a sharp, legible, permanent and photographically reproducible image of the official seal. The seal must include the following: name of the notary exactly as on commission; the phrases “Notary Public” and “Commonwealth of Virginia”; notary registration number; and the phrase “My commission expires [date of expiration].” Source: Va. Code Ann. § 47.1-16
  • Washington Notary Seals and Embossers

    A Washington State Notary Public shall procure an embosser or a stamp on which shall be engraved or impressed the words, “Notary Public”, “State of Washington” and the date the appointment expires. Source: RCW 42.44.050
  • West Virginia Notary Seal and Embosser

    “Under or near his official signature on every notarial certificate, a notary public shall rubber stamp clearly and legibly, so that it is capable of photographic reproduction...” “A serrated or milled edge border in a rectangular form not more than one inch in width by two and on-half inches in length surrounding the information”. Ink color is optional. Also, “every notary public may provide, keep and use a seal embosser engraved to show the words” Notary Seal”, their name, “Notary Public”, and “State of West Virginia”. The embossed seal is permitted by West Virginia law, but not required. Source: WVC 29C-4-102
  • Wisconsin Notary Seals and Embossers

    “...Every notary public shall provide an engraved official seal which makes a distinct and legible impression or official rubber stamp which makes a distinct and legible imprint on paper. The impression of the seal or the imprint of the rubber stamp shall state only the following: ‘Notary Public,’ ‘State of Wisconsin,’ and the name of the notary.” Source: WS 137.01[3][a]
  • Wyoming Notary Seals and Embossers

    The notary’s seal must be a photographically reproducible embosser or a rectangular or circular stamp with a serrated or milled edge boarder. The stamp or seal shall contain the notary’s name, the words “Notary Public,” the name of the county in which the notary resides and the word “Wyoming.” Source: WS 32-1-106[b]